Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!!

As I was reading some of my friends blogs and facebook status's yesterday, they all talked about making green pancakes and then a green dinner. I guess I'm kind of boring. I don't like cabbage except for grandmas ramen salad, and so we had ravioli for dinner. Very festive huh!! Earlier that day, I got the girls all dressed up in their matching green shirts Grandma Petrovich bought then. We were supposed to go to my friends house so that Morgyn could play with her son, but he ended up being sick, so we stayed away. They were all dressed up with no place to go, so I decided to go on a walk. My sister gave me her double jogging stroller and I absolulty love it. The girls had a lot of fun too. Whitney fell asleep in it and Morgyn did not want to get out. I was going to take pictures, but I ran out the door without the camera. Here are some pics of the girls in their shirts. They are my little sweeties!!


  1. They are changing so fast. And don't feel bad about not eating cabbage. Potatoes are more traditional in Ireland anyway!

  2. Cute blog Jenny! My dad used to read me Green eggs and Ham when I was little. It was my favorite book. A couple of years ago, I put green food coloring in the scrambled eggs and on the ham slices I made for breakfast on St Patricks Day. I called my dad and told him I wasn't just reading my kids green eggs and ham - I was feeding it to them! He thought that was great. ( I just had to share.)
