Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Child for Sale"

For Sale:
Cute and Rambunctious two and a half year old female.
Loves to not take naps, pull on her mothers clothes, climb all over her mother and sister, not listen, not eat her dinner, the list goes on and on.

Yes, it's been one of those days. I know I've already posted today, but I just need to vent a little. I know that we mothers have our rough days and so look forward to Daddy coming home. Only problem with that is that Jason is working late tonight, so no reprieve for me. I try to be a patient mom, but patience is not one of my strength. Boy do I love that little girl. My mom used to say about me, "There was a little girl, that had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was VERY good, but when she was bad, she was HORRID!! It's so true with Morgyn. I guess we are more alike than I thought. I think someone will be going to bed early tonight!!


  1. Hey Jenny! You're blog is so cute. Thanks for the congrats. We're pretty excited and we get to find out next week what we're having. Please include me on your list when you go private. Ummm...did June's close? Sad. Do you have any information to contact Bill and Karen? Love ya!

  2. Jenny-I'm not sure why my comment posted as Allie Lund (that's my sister-in-law) anyways it's me...Angie.

  3. I'm so excited to hear from you. Let me know when you find out what you are having. Yes, Junes closed the day after Christmas. I just got an email in response to the blog from Rhea yesterday. She is know working at The Flower Patch(formally Klenkes). She doesn't like it very much, but she misses Junes. I don't have any contact info for Karen or Bill. They sold the shop during the summer I think. I guess they took everything and were pretty nasty about things. The poor lady that took it over was doomed from the minute she bought it. It was going under and that's why Karen and Bill got out from under it. I will ask Rhea if she has any contact info and I'll let you know. Take care, Jenny

  4. She's got quite the pose here. The next 'True Beauty' you think? :)
