Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just starting out!!

Well, I've finally decided to get with the 21st century and start a blog. I consider myself to be somewhat computer illiterate, so you'll have to bear with me as I learn how this whole blogging thing goes.

Life today in the Petrovich home is pretty quiet right now. I had some mommy and Whitney time today while Jason and Morgyn went to church. I can't wait for spring so that we can all go together as a family. Morgyn is still taking naps pretty regularly for me and that is where she currently is. I'm sitting here typing while Jason's watching the Super Bowl. I'm not really a big fan of football, but I guess I'll watch a little bit with him. Whitney is learning to sit up in her Bumbo chair. She looks like such a big girl.

Thats' about it for now. Hopefully I can do better with this then a journal :)


  1. How fun!!! Those little chairs look a little like a potty seat to me.

  2. I know, they are funky looking. They really work well though.
