Morgyn turned 3 on July 7th. We celebrated with family and friends the following Saturday at our nearby park. We had so much fun watching Morgyn open her presents. We got her a princess bike and she loves it. She's still not 100% confident on it, but she learning!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Morgyn turns 3!!!
Morgyn turned 3 on July 7th. We celebrated with family and friends the following Saturday at our nearby park. We had so much fun watching Morgyn open her presents. We got her a princess bike and she loves it. She's still not 100% confident on it, but she learning!!
Our family vacation to San Diego California!!
After four and a half years of being married, we have never been on a real family vacation together. Sure, we have traveled, but it's usually been worked(band :)related. We decided it was time we made it a priority. We traveled down with Jason's mom and dad and we had lots of fun. Here is what we did!!
K, my blog is not letting me attach the slide-show, so just be patient and I will try and figure it out :)
K, my blog is not letting me attach the slide-show, so just be patient and I will try and figure it out :)
August 2009
Whitney decided a few weeks ago that she wanted to climb into one of my empty cabinets. She got in them really well, but couldn't figure out how to get out of them. Such a funny girl. I couldn't stop laughing :)
We love our new house. We have so much fun sitting on our front porch in the evenings. Now if we didn't live in mosquito-land, it would be a whole lot more pleasant.
Friday, June 5, 2009
It's been a while. Busy, busy!!
I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. Life is crazy busy and doesn't look like it will slow down in the near future. I thought I would share this cute video I caught of the girls the other day. You can tell how much Whitney loves Morgyn. She can make her laugh like no one else can. It's too cute for words. Enjoy!
Just an FYI, our house is done and we should be moving in in two weeks after returning from our family vacation to San Diego!! Very exciting month :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
More house pics
Sunday, April 26, 2009
We are building!!!
So. this is it. It's in the beginning stages, but this is where our future home will sit. After looking with a realtor for houses one night, we decided to look into building. I have never wanted to build because of the hassles I have heard from friends and family. I didn't want to have to buy land first, and then find someone to build the house for us. Well, some friends of ours(who happen to also be band parents)own a construction company. I was talking with the wife at Jason's last concert and she mention that her husband, Jared, had a sub-division in Nibley that we could possibly build in. We were excited but hesitant because we weren't sure if we could get the kind of house we want in the price range we wanted to stay in . We met with Jared a few days later and he told us that because of the economy the way it is, that he is building at cost right now to keep his guys busy and to stay out of the red. This company mainly does comercial construction, but he had to go back to building houses to when the economy did what it did last year. We discovered that it was cheaper to build then to buy new at this point in time. We are so excited. We signed contract last week and they should start digging by the end of the week. I will be adding more pics as progress happens. Oh, did I mention that he said he could have the house done in 90 days. Yup, that's the end of July!!!!! We can't wait to have a place we can call our own.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter/ Spring Break
We had a fun- filled, busy Easter weekend since it was also spring break for Jason. We first spent Friday-Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa Mann's. I thought it would be fun to have an Easter egg hunt on saturday so we did that in the morning. Funny thing is, this is the first time we have ever had one. I guess since there are nine grandchildren now, there is enough to make it fun. Luckily the weather held out for us and the kids had lots of fun. I think the parents had fun too!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Happy St. Patricks Day!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My baby 6 months later
I can't believe how time flies. Today my little "Whitwe" is 6 months old. It seems like yesterday I was running back and forth from the NICU all day to see her and feed her. She is growing and thriving and is pretty happy overall. We are working on starting solids. So far rice cereal does not appeal to her. I will try for a few more days and then move on to veggies. Here are some pics from the day she was born and today!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
An update on my health
I wanted to quickly let everyone know how I'm doing. Some of you know what's been going on, and some of you don't. I had another ERCP(Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) last Friday to replace the stint in my main bile duct. I had been itching quite a bit the week or so prior to the procedure and was wondering what was going on. Well, the stint was clogged like I thought it was and that's why I was itching again. The doctor thinks we will have about three years of these ERCP's , every 2-3 months. I am not looking forward to this, but I have no choice. The doctor also told Jason that he is quite confident that I have PSC (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis) just by the looks of the ducts coming from the liver. I guess they are continuing to look "unhealthy". For those of you who don't know what PSC is, it is a slowly degenerative disease primarily of the bile ducts inside and outside the liver. Pretty much my liver is slowly dying off. The specialist said I would need a transplant in 10-15 years. I don't know how I will feel come 10 years from now, but It does have a promising outlook. They say there is no way to stop the damage from continuing and they don't know why it starts, so now I just get to wait and let nature take it's course. I have a strong testimony of the Gospel in my life and know that this is just one hurdle in life. I also know and feel my Heavenly Father's presence in all of this. I know he loves me and when I get frustrated and down, I just remind myself of what our Savior Jesus Christ went through for all of us. Wow, I can only be grateful for my many blessing in my life. I love you all and hope all is well.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Crazy hair!
I have been trying to figure out what to with Whitney's hair lately. It's gotten so long on the top, but the sides are short. It's pretty crazy looking. I have been pulling it back with a little barrette and it looks pretty cute, but my mom suggested putting curlers in it. I thought the curlers I had would be too big, but they actually fit. I kept the one in over night. Now it's just curly crazy!! I guess I'll keep experimenting. She's so cute, any hairdo would look good on her. Who would have thought I would need to "do" a five month olds hair!! Here are some before and after shots.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The "bib" look
So, Jason was away tonight rehearsing with the Cache Community Orchestra so it was left up to me to get Morgyn in bed. We got her jammies on and brushed her teeth and she was pretty cooperative. We then read a few stories and she said her prayer(which by the way she says so cute). Anyway, I put her in bed and she was very quiet for a while. Jason came home around nine and that's when I heard her trying to open the door. I went to see what she was up to and found her like this.... She cracks me up. She isisted on wearing Whitney bibs around today and did not want to take them off at bedtime. I'm sure they will still be there in the morning!! I'm just grateful that she kept her diaper on. :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentines Day
Well, I don't have anything real exciting to report. It was a rather laid back Valentines Day around our house. We ran some errands all together as a family. We even had lunch at Sam's Club- gotta love the cheap prices. Anyway, I tried to get a picture of the girls together in their Valentines outfits that Grandma P. bought(thanks again). Morgyn is not so big in getting her picture taken let alone sit still with her sister in her arms. This is the best one we could get. Hope you all had a great V day. We love you all!!
I forgot to mention that our little cutie, Whitney is five months old today!! How time flies :) We sure do love her!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Morgyn's idea of big girl panties!!
So, first thing yesterday morning, Morgyn woke up wanting to wear her Ariel big girl panties. I was shocked and excited hoping maybe this was the turning point to begin potty training. As I proceeded to take her diaper off and put the underwear on, she wanted a diaper put back on but also wanted Ariel on. I decided to let her take over because I wasn't quite understanding her. This is how she wanted it!!!
Needless to say, the underwear thing didn't last very long. I was able to get her to wear the panties all by themselves, but only for about an hour. No accidents though. Then she was done and wanted her diaper back on. Everyone tells me it will just click with her one day, I just hope it's sooner than later :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Cookies--Yum Yum
So, Jason had a music conference down in St. George this last weekend and was going to be gone for three days. I wasn't about to stay home by myself for that long. My sanity was at stake!! Anyway, the girls and I decided to go stay at my Mom and Dad's in Ogden for the weekend. I was able to relax a little bit and we had a lot of fun hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Mann. My mom and I love to bake, so I decided we should make Valentine cookies for Morgyn to take to her friends. We had so much fun. Morgyn even got in on the action. They tasted yummy too!! Oh, Keep in mind that she had just gotten up from a nap-which are becoming rare these days- so her hair is quite a mess.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
"Child for Sale"
For Sale:
Cute and Rambunctious two and a half year old female.
Loves to not take naps, pull on her mothers clothes, climb all over her mother and sister, not listen, not eat her dinner, the list goes on and on.
Yes, it's been one of those days. I know I've already posted today, but I just need to vent a little. I know that we mothers have our rough days and so look forward to Daddy coming home. Only problem with that is that Jason is working late tonight, so no reprieve for me. I try to be a patient mom, but patience is not one of my strength. Boy do I love that little girl. My mom used to say about me, "There was a little girl, that had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was VERY good, but when she was bad, she was HORRID!! It's so true with Morgyn. I guess we are more alike than I thought. I think someone will be going to bed early tonight!!
Mary Poppins
So, It's just a little after 9:00 am and we are already watching Mary Poppins. Who would have thought it would be one of Morgyn's favorite movies. I swear we must watch it 3 times a day if she would let me. Nothing too exciting to report. The girls let me sleep till 8 this morning, so that was nice!! Here are a few pics of Morgyn. Enjoy! Oh, I'll try to add the video of her singing with the movie that we recorded a few days ago. It's very cute.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Just starting out!!
Well, I've finally decided to get with the 21st century and start a blog. I consider myself to be somewhat computer illiterate, so you'll have to bear with me as I learn how this whole blogging thing goes.
Life today in the Petrovich home is pretty quiet right now. I had some mommy and Whitney time today while Jason and Morgyn went to church. I can't wait for spring so that we can all go together as a family. Morgyn is still taking naps pretty regularly for me and that is where she currently is. I'm sitting here typing while Jason's watching the Super Bowl. I'm not really a big fan of football, but I guess I'll watch a little bit with him. Whitney is learning to sit up in her Bumbo chair. She looks like such a big girl.
Thats' about it for now. Hopefully I can do better with this then a journal :)
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